Posts tagged kelly howard
Ivan Howard, The Rosebuds

Here's the secret to the success of Ivan Howard's songwriting: television, physical activity, and great literature. Sure, at first blush they seem disparate: the vacuous life of the couch potato, the discipline of the athlete, and the intellectual curiosity of the bookworm.  But they all legitimately contribute to Howard's creative process and the crafting of those wonderful Rosebuds' songs: the TV (it can't be a show he actually pays attention to) distracts him from the subject matter he's writing about, running and basketball are his periods of creative meditation, and the books are the source of the band's natural imagery. 

Much has been made of the story behind the making of The Rosebuds' latest release Loud Planes Fly Low.  Howard and Kelly Crisp make up The Rosebuds.  They divorced after the release of their fourth album Life Like.  But they continue today as a songwriting duo, now just as bandmates and friends.  Loud Planes Fly Low is the product of the emotional output and coming to grips with the breakdown of their relationship.  It's been covered enough in the press, so I'm not going to do it here. Besides, there's enough wonderfully original responses in this interview to sustain a fresh narrative.

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